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Currently Available Downloads for Registered Users:


Capesoft Safe Reader -- Safe Reader is a free program used to extract password-protected web-delivered versions of OnSet Software programs, starting October 1, 2006.  This link takes you to the SafeReader Download Page on the www.capesoft.com website.  You must download and install it prior to installing PRS v1.20.

PRS v1.20 Program Files (December 2, 2007):

WebPRS120.saf  (Requires Safe Unlock Password)  

PRS v1.20 Program Install -  Full (ready for entry) version, includes manual, backup utility, help files, and CleanFil and CleanForm utilities.  (4.58 Mb)  Using your unlock password, use Capesoft Safe Reader (see above) to unlock and create  the SetupPRS_v120.exe program file on your hard drive.  Run this setup program to install PRS.

WebPRS120Samp.saf  (Requires Safe Unlock Password)  

PRS v1.20 Program Sample Install -  Sample data version, includes manual and help files.  (6.61 Mb)    Using your unlock password, use Capesoft Safe Reader (see above) to unlock and create  the SetupPRS_v120_Sample.exe program file on your hard drive.  Run this setup program to install the sample version of PRS.  

WebPRS120Upd.saf  (Requires Safe Unlock Password)

Updates your previous PRS version to PRS v1.20  (4.41 Mb)


PRS v1.00b Program Files:

Prs1b_Combo.zip  (requires password)

This file contains both the Full (ready for entry) and Sample versions of PRS v1.00B, as well as the users manual, help and supporting files.  (~6 Mb)

NOTE: This file will soon be removed from this site, since all users of PRS v1.00 are eligible for a free upgrade to PRS v1.10a


PRS v1.10 Beta 2:
(PRS v1.10 Beta 2 files have been removed from the website.) 


PRS v1.10a Program Files (April 10, 2003):

pp_PRS110a.exe  (Requires New Password)  

PRS v1.10a Program Install -  Full (ready for entry) version, includes manual, backup utility, help files, and CleanFil utility.  (4.25 Mb)  Using your password,  the file SetupPRS_110a.exe is placed on your hard drive.  Run this setup program to install PRS.

ppSamp_PRS110a.exe  (Requires New Password)  

PRS v1.10a Program Sample Install -  Sample data version, includes manual and help files.  (5.72 Mb)    Using your password,  the file SetupSamplePRS_110a.exe is placed on your hard drive.  Run this setup program to install the sample version of PRS.   

PRS110aManual.zip -- PRS v1.1Oa Users Manual  (no password required)  2/2/03

This file contains a compressed version of the Users Manual if you just want to get an idea of the new features of PRSv1.10a before downloading and testing the new version.  (1.24 Mb)


NOTE: Some of the above files are in .zip compressed file format and require an unzip utility (such as PkZip or WinZip, available in shareware versions via the internet) in order to open. 


Go To Website for most recent Beta and Alpha Versions of future OnSet Software releases


Castology Sample 12/26/2007

Castology Empty 12/26/2007