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CTL Company Tape Library-- the CaTaLogger CTL has now officially entered its 'beta' phase, and we are looking for real-world testers who have small-to-medium sized tape libraries which they need to catalogue.
Numerous production and technical elements can be accessed for any tape, and the library can be searched either on the tape level or on the shot log level. Provision is also made for checking tapes in and out (using barcodes if desired). One or more picture files can be associated with any shot in the tape log, and data entry can be greatly simplified by assigning 'presets' for many of the elements contained in the tape and shot logs.
Should you need to look deeper, two levels of search functionality are included. Data entry is simplified through both the use of drop-down list boxes (with a smart-fill feature) and the ability to copy common elements when adding tapes from the same shoot. A library check-in/out function helps you keep track of tapes that are not currently stored in the library, and keyboard wedge-style barcode reading is provided to keep things moving quickly while minimizing user input errors. Numerous pre-designed reports are provided so you don't need to waste time creating report forms. You can also send the contents of almost any browse list directly to your printer or to an excel, html, csv, or word file, thus providing you with numerous potential output options. Many features are still in the works, but CTL has now reached the point where it can become a valuable tool in your company's asset management arsenal. At a beta price of only $79.00, it's a top dollar value. To find out more about CTL, please drop us an email using our message form. If you're ready to order, go to our Orders Page |