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Here are the known bugs which have been reported and verified.

General Bugs

Certain characters can potentially cause problems in your data, and we recommend entering data without using them ---  
These characters are:     [  ]  \  _  `  ^
We have received a verified report from one user whose scenes browser froze the program when he used scene numbers which contained the [ ] characters in them.  When the brackets were changed to parentheses  ( ) the problems vanished.  Interestingly enough, the tree viewers seem not to be affected by the problem, but browses are. This seems to be a compiler issue, which has been reported to the manufacturer.  In the meantime, we highly recommend that you do not use these characters in your data entries.

For macintosh users, use VirtualPC 5 or VirtualPC 3 but not VirtualPC 4.

On certain Sony Slimbook computers, the Window menu on the menu bar (tile, cascade, select window) does not function.  Also, if a window is maximized and then cleared with the "x" box in its upper right, an extra set of "maximize/restore/exit" boxes remains in the upper right of the program window, but have no effect.  There is no current workaround for the window menu problem.  The extra "box sets" do not stay on the screen if the window is reduced from full screen to working size before exiting from the window.  This seems to be a problem only in the 16-bit versions of the programs, not in the standard 32-bit versions.


If you are using a realtek 8029 network card (they're cheap), and Windows 98, you need to upgrade the drivers. The ones included w/ Win98 will corrupt data.


PRS - Play Rehearsal Scheduler

10/16/01 -- Certain rehearsal and activity schedule reports, particularly those which list characters in the scheduled scenes, may act strangely when more than one activity involving the same scene name is scheduled for the same time.  The fix for this is addressed in PRS v1.00a, available as a password protected file elsewhere on this website.  All registered users should have already received this upgrade - as well as its required password - by email.  This file is being kept on the website for those who may require it at a later date.

We have received a report that there are compatibility issues between VirtualPC 4.0/ 4.1 (on Mac computers) and all programs written with the Clarion for Windows compiler -- including PRS and M3s.   VirtualPC 3.0, however, has always worked just fine with PRS and M3s, so if you're mac based you can stay with VirtualPC 3. If you are going to upgrade, please upgrade to version 5.x, which corrects the problems of the (buggy and short-lived) Virtual PC 4.x upgrades.

M3S - Millennium Movie Management System

Photo viewers have not yet been implemented for actors, locations, shots, etc.


PTL - Production Tape Library


OsDos - On-Set DOS Utilities

Mouse cursor works properly only in full screen mode when operating through an MS-Dos window in Windows.


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